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Yes, the first single from »Sisyphus Rock« is out as of today and is called »The Dark Between the Stars«. We like it and so does Fred Armisen (cheers, Fred!) so that's the target audience sorted (OK, it would be fun with some air time in like Norway or Germany, but the song might be a bit too long). /// MARKUS Eriksson plays guitar, mellotron and sings backing vocals, Emil Fritzson-Lindqvist plays the drums and shakes/beats the percussion, Kim Fastesson plays guitars (I think both electric and acoustic?) and might also do some backing vocals if I remember things correctly, Mattias Andersson plays the bass (this I know for sure) and I sing lead vocals. Markus and I produced it. It was recorded live in studio in November 2020 at Rissna City in Rissna, Sweden by Robin Lindqvist. /// I HAD a complete breakdown in the fall of 2019, a few months before we were supposed to record this album the first time. Stress, anxiety and more stress can be quite an explosive combination and I had several panic attacks a day for months. I texted Fredrik at Startracks and pulled the plug on the recordings. 30 seconds later I got a reply: ”We love you, get well and don’t worry. I will be here when you feel better!”. What a great man. I wish this song was about him (it’s not). So, six months later I was feeling better and then I threw out a bunch of the songs we were meant to record and wrote some new ones (like this one) and a few other got new lyrics. The whole album was recorded live a weekend in November 2020. /// I WROTE this song in a hotel room at Lerbäcks Teater (thank you, Johan and Jenny), recorded the demo in Kricko’s basement storage in Stockholm (thank you) and we rehearsed it at Midsommargården (thanx, Marit). /// FRANS Hägglund mixed this at Studio Riddarborgen and Magnus Lindberg mastered it at Redmount Studios, both in Stockholm. /// THE COVER is made by Robert Samsonowitz and is comprised by analogue pictures taken in Rissna. I handed everyone disposable (but reusable!) cameras with black and white film in the studio and while looking through the pictures you might suspect them to be taken by visually impaired chimpanzees at a late night jamboree but are in fact taken by nearly normal humans. /// I HATE to ”say a few words about what the song is about” because the song is RIGHT THERE and I don’t want to kill the fun (which is that the words are yours to connect and make your own story of even if it doesn’t match with what I had in mind. Neil Young’s ”Thrasher” is about leaving Buffalo Springfield? How boring is that?!) You can find the lyrics here at /// Thank you. Jonas Melker Alexander Jonsson, Esq.


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